Introducción a la batería de litio Jun 09, 2023

Many electronic scales use lithium batteries as their power source. Lithium batteries are widely used in electronic devices due to their high energy density, long life, low self-discharge rate, and small size and weight.

In electronic scales, lithium batteries are often used to provide power for components such as displays and sensors to function properly. Due to the high energy density of lithium batteries, they can provide power to electronic scales for a long time without the need for frequent battery replacement.

Definition of lithium battery: It is a type of battery that uses lithium metal or lithium alloy as the positive/negative electrode material and uses a non-aqueous electrolyte solution.

Lithium batteries can be roughly divided into two categories: lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries.

Lithium metal batteries are generally batteries that use manganese dioxide as the positive electrode material, lithium metal or its alloy metals as the negative electrode material, and use a non-aqueous electrolyte solution.

Lithium-ion batteries are generally batteries that use lithium alloy metal oxides as positive electrode materials, graphite as negative electrode materials, and non-aqueous electrolytes.

Lithium batteries in contact with consumer electronic products (3C products) generally refer to lithium-ion batteries.

Generally we use button batteries and lead type batteries. There are also some combined batteries, in order to increase the battery capacity.

Vale la pena señalar que las baterías de litio son algo peligrosas y pueden causar peligros como incendios o explosiones si no se usan o manipulan correctamente. Por lo tanto, se deben seguir las normas de seguridad pertinentes cuando se utilizan básculas electrónicas, y las baterías de litio se deben manipular y almacenar correctamente.

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